
LED Matrix 8x8 5.5V Max7219 Cascadable (Not Soldered )

AED 23.10



This MAX7219 8×8 Dot Matrix Module is Not Soldered kit for electronics hobbyists which has 1.3″ 64 LED dot matrix displays with built-in MAX7219 serial LED drivers. communicates with an MCU via a 3-wire SPI bus.  the MAX7219 then takes care of all the work of keeping the display refreshed, so MCU can do other important things very easy to wire and the LedControl library is there to make the programming easier.

The MAX7219 is a popular dot matrix common cathode LED driver, supports many functions for controlling LED displays.

The driver provides flexible individual LED control as well as basic functions such as turning the display ON/OFF and adjusting the LED brightness.

This product comes in the form of a kit or module So you Need to Assemble it yourself basic Soldering skills needed.

The kit includes the following components:

  • MAX7219 IC
  • Electrolytic cpaacitor:10uF/25V
  • Resistor:10K
  • Capacitance:0.1uF
  • Headers and receptacles.

After assembling, The LED MAX7219 Matrix Module will look Like this:

Input Pins:

The header pins on the left end are the main input connector. “Vcc” connects to 5V.  Due to the fairly high current draw of the display (up to 1A if the brightness is cranked all the way up), it is recommended to drive it directly from a power supply rather than from the MCU power or else be sure to keep the brightness turned down to < 25% (level 3 of 15) to avoid overheating the MCU onboard voltage regulator or over-taxing the USB power.    “GND” connects to the ground which needs to be common with the MCU if an external power supply is used.

The other pins are for the SPI interface.  “DIN” is the Data In.  “CS” is Chip Select (sometimes labeled as LOAD) and “CLK is the Clock pin.  These last 3 pins are connected to any digital outputs on the microcontroller. 

  • VCC –   connect to 5V.  Connecting direct to power supply rather than from MCU is recommended.
  • GND –  Connect to system ground.  This ground needs to be in common with the MCU
  • DIN –   Connect to any digital pin on MCU.
  • CS / LOAD – Connect to any digital pin on MCU
  • CLK –    Connect to any digital pin on MCU.

Arduino Code for LED Matrix 8x8 5.5V Max7219 Cascadable:

How to Wire the LED Matrix 8x8 5.5V Max7219 Cascadable with Arduino:


  • Connect Arduino pin8 to DIN on 8x8 LED Matrix
  • Connect Arduino pin9 to CS of 8x8 LED Matrix
  • Connect Arduino pin10 to CLK of 8x8 LED Matrix
  • Connect Arduino 5V to VCC of 8x8 LED Matrix
  • Connect Arduino GND to GND of 8x8 LED Matrix

to download the Max7219 drive library LedControl Click Here

#include "LedControl.h"
#include "binary.h"

int displayCnt = 4;  // # of displays connected (between 1-8)
int intensity = 3;   // Brightness of displays (between 0-15)
int idx = 0;         // Index for loops

// Create instance of LedControl called 'lc'
LedControl lc=LedControl(12,11,10,displayCnt);  // Pins: DIN,CLK,CS, # of Displays
//  Initialization
void setup()

  for(idx=0; idx= 0; display--) {
    for (int col = 7; col >= 0; col--)  {
      for (int row = 0; row <= 7; row++)  {
        delay (60);
  // Draw rows down the display
   for (int row = 0; row <= 7; row++)  {  
     for (int display = 0; display < displayCnt; display++) {      
     lc.setRow(display, row, B11111111);
  for(idx=0; idx= 0; display--) {
    for (int col = 7; col >= 0; col--)  {
      for (int row = 0; row <= 7; row++)  {
        delay (60);