
7 Segment 4 Digits Display With 2x 74HC595 Module

AED 19.95

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The 7 Segment 4 Digit Display With 2x 74HC595 is an integrated module featuring four 7-segment digits controlled by two 74HC595 shift register ICs. Each digit is equipped with a 7-segment LED display with a height of 12.7mm, illuminated in bright red, including a dot LED. This module is purpose-built for use with microcontrollers, such as Arduino, providing a straightforward interface. With minimal wiring requirements—just three data wires similar to any single 74HC595—and two power cables, this module simplifies the integration process. Operating on a driving voltage of 5.



  • The 74HC595 functions as a shift register employing the Serial IN Parallel OUT protocol.
  • It receives data serially from the microcontroller and then transmits this data through parallel pins.
  • Typically, a single chip expands the outputs by 8.
  • Multiple 74HC595 ICs can be connected in parallel, allowing for even further expansion.
  • In this module, two Shift register ICs are interconnected, enhancing the versatility of the output configuration.




  • Working Voltage:3.3V-5V
  • Size:42*24*12mm
  • Digital Display Color:Red



Module Pin Arduino Pin
VCC 5V Pin
SDI Pin 2
CLK Pin 3
LOAD Pin 4


there is a need to download the 74HC595 Library:

Click here and then Add it to the Arduino IDE


#include "ShiftRegister74HC595.h"

// create a global shift register object
// parameters:  (data pin, clock pin, latch pin)
ShiftRegister74HC595<1> sr(2, 3, 4);
void setup() { 

void loop() {

  // setting all pins at the same time to either HIGH or LOW
  sr.setAllHigh(); // set all pins HIGH
  sr.setAllLow(); // set all pins LOW

  // setting single pins
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    sr.set(i, HIGH); // set single pin HIGH
  // set all pins at once
  uint8_t pinValues[] = { B10101010 }; 

  // read pin (zero based, i.e. 6th pin)
  uint8_t stateOfPin5 = sr.get(5);
  sr.set(6, stateOfPin5);

  // set pins without immediate update
  sr.setNoUpdate(0, HIGH);
  sr.setNoUpdate(1, LOW);
  // at this point of time, pin 0 and 1 did not change yet
  sr.updateRegisters(); // update the pins to the set values