AED 82.95
Ethernet Shield W5500 is the ideal choice for you if you want to construct a network-connected Product! Ethernet Shield W5500 is equipped with a WizNet W5500 TCP/IP Ethernet controller. The WizNet W5500 is an integrated TCP/IP Ethernet controller. TCP/IP Stack, 10BaseT/100BaseTX Ethernet with full or half-duplex, MAC, and PHY are all included. For high-speed connection to Arduino Nano, W5500 uses a very efficient SPI protocol with 80MHz clocks. W5500 has WOL (Wake on LAN) and Power Off modes for decreased energy usage.
Ethernet | W5500 |
Shield | For Nano |
Operating temperature | -40C°/+85C° |
Length×Width | 65×17.8mm |
Pinout of the Module:
The shield communicates with the Arduino board using the SPI bus. This is on digital pins 11, 12, and 13 on the Nano and the Uno and pins 50, 51, and 52 on the Mega. On All boards, pin 10 is used as SS. On the Mega, the hardware SS pin, 53, is not used to select the Ethernet controller chip, but it must be kept as an output or the SPI interface won't work.
Dimensional drawing (DIM) | ![]() | ![]() | ||
Input and Output (I/O) diagram | ![]() | ![]() | ||
Schematic | ![]() |
Arduino Code:
you don't need to install any third party library you can use the Ethernet.h included in the Arduino IDE
the next code helps you to make a Web client using the Ethernet Nano V3 Shield
#include#include // Enter a MAC address for your controller below. // Newer Ethernet shields have a MAC address printed on a sticker on the shield byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED }; // if you don't want to use DNS (and reduce your sketch size) // use the numeric IP instead of the name for the server: //IPAddress server(74,125,232,128); // numeric IP for Google (no DNS) char server[] = ""; // name address for Google (using DNS) // Set the static IP address to use if the DHCP fails to assign IPAddress ip(192, 168, 0, 177); IPAddress myDns(192, 168, 0, 1); // Initialize the Ethernet client library // with the IP address and port of the server // that you want to connect to (port 80 is default for HTTP): EthernetClient client; // Variables to measure the speed unsigned long beginMicros, endMicros; unsigned long byteCount = 0; bool printWebData = true; // set to false for better speed measurement void setup() { // You can use Ethernet.init(pin) to configure the CS pin //Ethernet.init(10); // Most Arduino shields //Ethernet.init(5); // MKR ETH shield //Ethernet.init(0); // Teensy 2.0 //Ethernet.init(20); // Teensy++ 2.0 //Ethernet.init(15); // ESP8266 with Adafruit Featherwing Ethernet //Ethernet.init(33); // ESP32 with Adafruit Featherwing Ethernet // Open serial communications and wait for port to open: Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial) { ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only } // start the Ethernet connection: Serial.println("Initialize Ethernet with DHCP:"); if (Ethernet.begin(mac) == 0) { Serial.println("Failed to configure Ethernet using DHCP"); // Check for Ethernet hardware present if (Ethernet.hardwareStatus() == EthernetNoHardware) { Serial.println("Ethernet shield was not found. Sorry, can't run without hardware. :("); while (true) { delay(1); // do nothing, no point running without Ethernet hardware } } if (Ethernet.linkStatus() == LinkOFF) { Serial.println("Ethernet cable is not connected."); } // try to congifure using IP address instead of DHCP: Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, myDns); } else { Serial.print(" DHCP assigned IP "); Serial.println(Ethernet.localIP()); } // give the Ethernet shield a second to initialize: delay(1000); Serial.print("connecting to "); Serial.print(server); Serial.println("..."); // if you get a connection, report back via serial: if (client.connect(server, 80)) { Serial.print("connected to "); Serial.println(client.remoteIP()); // Make a HTTP request: client.println("GET /search?q=arduino HTTP/1.1"); client.println("Host:"); client.println("Connection: close"); client.println(); } else { // if you didn't get a connection to the server: Serial.println("connection failed"); } beginMicros = micros(); } void loop() { // if there are incoming bytes available // from the server, read them and print them: int len = client.available(); if (len > 0) { byte buffer[80]; if (len > 80) len = 80;, len); if (printWebData) { Serial.write(buffer, len); // show in the serial monitor (slows some boards) } byteCount = byteCount + len; } // if the server's disconnected, stop the client: if (!client.connected()) { endMicros = micros(); Serial.println(); Serial.println("disconnecting."); client.stop(); Serial.print("Received "); Serial.print(byteCount); Serial.print(" bytes in "); float seconds = (float)(endMicros - beginMicros) / 1000000.0; Serial.print(seconds, 4); float rate = (float)byteCount / seconds / 1000.0; Serial.print(", rate = "); Serial.print(rate); Serial.print(" kbytes/second"); Serial.println(); // do nothing forevermore: while (true) { delay(1); } } }