
NRF24L01 SPI To I2C Converter Adapter (RobotDYN)

AED 25.00



the NRF24L01 SPI-I2C Converter Adapter represents a pivotal advancement in wireless communication capabilities. It not only simplifies the communication process through I2C integration but also ensures reliability and minimizes data loss, ultimately facilitating seamless interactions between devices. This adapter stands as a testament to efficiency, convenience, and innovative progress in the realm of wireless communication.



  • I2C Integration: Seamlessly integrates the I2C (TWI) communication protocol, simplifying the interaction with the NRF24L01 module.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Eliminates the need for a deep understanding of the NRF24L01 communication intricacies, significantly boosting development efficiency.
  • Communication Bridge: Serves as a vital bridge between the I2C protocol and the NRF24L01 wireless communications chip.
  • Reliable Communication: Leverages the dependable NRF24L01 communication protocol to ensure reliable data transmission.
  • Reduced Data Loss: Effectively reduces the risk of data loss during the communication process.
  • User-Friendly: Allows users to harness the benefits of the NRF24L01 module without grappling with complex technical aspects.
  • Communication Protocol: I2C (TWI)
  • Wireless Module Compatibility: NRF24L01 (wireless module not included)



Pin Description
VCC Power supply connected to 3V3 source
GND Ground
CE Chip Enable
CSN Chip Select
SCK Serial Clock
MOS Master Out Slave In
MISO Master In Slave Out
IRQ Interrupt pin.


Connections with Arduino Uno or Nano:

RF24 Library.

  • The SPI side:
NRF24L01 Pin Arduino Pin
CE Digital Pin 9
CSN Digital Pin 10
SCK Digital Pin 13
MOS Digital Pin 11
MISO Digital Pin 12



Package Includes:

1 x NRF24L01 SPI To I2C Converter Adapter (RobotDYN) (NRF module not included)